D3 Mission LOG is the weekly Podcast with Bryan Guido Hassin of Third Derivative and Danny Kennedy of New Energy Nexus. They discuss the journey these two companies have chosen to take, to boldly go where no climatetech accelerator has gone before.
Season 3 Episode 7 of the weekly YouTube video (and Podcast) series with Bryan Guido Hassin of Third Derivative and Danny Kennedy of New Energy Nexus. They discuss the journey these two companies have chosen to take, to boldly build the world’s largest climate tech accelerator.
Links: Third Derivative Portfolio – https://third-derivative.org/portfolio/
New Energy Nexus Network Slack Community: https://join.slack.com/t/newenergynexusnetwork/shared_invite/zt-7cjoxxyf-QYn4y_ixtfMek3s~8WxQhA
You can listen to the D3 Mission Log Podcast on all major platforms and here: https://www.newenergynexus.com/podcast/
Or watch on the New Energy Nexus YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNwvl4tDbyI&list=PLvJ_IKWbRivK7u3YGJJLQByaBkdOf9zZC